Thursday, December 17, 2009

Sunset Pointe Newsletter and Update


General Summary

Irrigation/Landscape Improvement Project

Wes Perryclear (Special Districts/LA County Parks and Recreation) provided the following updates and information to the committee:

The original completion date of the irrigation system will be extended in order to do additional repairs discovered during the course of the current renovation.

Landscape plans have been completed and bid documents are being processed. Handouts for the committee’s review included a proposed plant list for the upcoming landscape portion of renovation and the Landscape Planting Plan, which includes the scope of work to be used for bidding purposes.

Weather permitting planting is scheduled to begin around 3/1/2010.

New Maintenance Contract

Patrick Malekian (Special Districts Administrator/ LA County Parks and Recreation) proposed that the start date for the new landscape maintenance contractor, Rich Meier's Landscaping, Inc, begin 1/1/2010. The committee approved his proposal. American landscape will continue on a month-to-month basis until the new contractor’s start date.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


General Summary

Summary of revenue and expenditures zone no. 21 (Sunset Pointe)

The following report is for 7/01/08 thru 8/31/09:

Tree Trimming Project

For all intent and purpose tree trimming has been completed.

As reported here earlier this year, because it’s been so long since the trees have been trimmed, cutting was limited to trimming to handle heavy winds as well as limbs that endangered the health of the trees. As needed, more regularly scheduled trimming will be a focal point of the new landscape maintenance contract.

Irrigation Upgrade Project

Angeles Contracting was awarded the contract to renovate Sunset Pointe's existing irrigation system. Work is currently in progress. Weather permitting, completion is tentatively scheduled for the end of November.

Landscape Replanting Project

Upon completion of the irrigation system renovation planting is scheduled to begin. Weather permitting, completion is tentatively scheduled for the end of January. A proposed Landscape Planting Plan was presented to the committee for review (The darkest areas represent where work is currently planned to begin):

New Maintenance Contract

Rich Meier's Landscaping, Inc. has been awarded the new landscape maintenance contract for Sunset Pointe. At this time it is planned that the new contract will begin at the completion of the current landscape/irrigation renovation project. In the meantime American landscape will continue maintenance on a month-to-month basis.

The new contract is available for review. Obtain a copy at the LA County Parks and Recreation office located at 28245 Avenue Crocker, Suite 240 , Valencia , Ca.

Sunset Pointe Fuels Reduction/Fire Safety Project

Clearance in and around the undeveloped property surrounded by Wintergreen Ct, Hollyhock Ct, and Laurelcrest Ln was completed in August. The project reduced the fuel ajacent to the structures directly abutting the brush island, enhancing the safety of citizens and firefighters in the event of a wildland fire. The Los Angeles County Fire department provided this service as a one-time courtesy while an investigation is underway to identify the landowner who is responsible for the clearance.


Please feel free to contact the Sunset Pointe Landscape Advisory Committee directly @

Next Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for November 16, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009



LOS ANGELES COUNTY – To ensure that residents affected by the Station Fire have access to updated information on evacuation and pet evacuation centers, Supervisor Antonovich has launched an interactive Google map of the Station Fire, which can be accessed by visiting you can also track fires here

The map will give residents:
· Locations of evacuation centers for families and individuals
· Location of evacuation centers for animals
· Latest evacuation orders for communities affected by the fire.

Fire information is also available 24 hours a day by calling 211 or (626) 821-6700.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tree trimming project update coming soon.

The Sunset Pointe  advisory counsel is completing the evaluation of the tree trimming project and discussing the next phases of the sprinkler repairs and planting projects. Check back soon for details from these meetings.

Questions or comments please email : 

The-Signal - City, county tax clarification

Just in case you did not see this letter to the editor in today’s Signal.

I read your article "City boundaries unclear" in the Monday, May 3 edition of The Signal, which explored how aware residents are about the city and county boundaries.

While I believe that The Signal fairly covered this issue in the story, I do want to take this opportunity to elaborate on a few points.
In the article, a city spokesperson is quoted as saying that "We don't charge that in the city," relative to the county's utility-user tax of 4.5 percent. The city spokesperson's statement is entirely accurate, and I take no issue with it.

There are, however, some fees that city residents pay that county unincorporated residents do not pay.

Since 1994, for example, all property owners in the city of Santa Clarita have paid an annual stormwater pollution prevention fee. Although the fee varies depending on the size of the lot, the current rate is $24 per single-family dwelling (or "equivalent residential unit") per year. It is my understanding that the city is considering reducing the fee by about 10 percent.

Separately, city residents pay $25 per year for open space acquisition, as a result of the recently approved voter initiative. Finally, a streetlight maintenance fee of $50 per residence is assessed by the city for those parcels annexed to the city's streetlight maintenance district after the district was originally established in 1998. All other city residences also pay an assessment, but at a lower rate if they were originally in the district.

In short, city residents pay up to about $100 per year on fees that residents in unincorporated areas do not pay.

My staff has calculated what an "average" resident pays per year in utility user's tax, and we estimate it to be $162 per year for a typical single-family dwelling, assuming $300 per month in utility charges.

It is, however, important to note that this fee was reduced from 5 percent to 4.5 percent in last November's election, and that utility user's tax rates run as high as 11 percent in some jurisdictions. Additionally, 56 percent of those who voted in unincorporated Santa Clarita last November favored passage of the measure.

While taxes are never popular, the vote in unincorporated Santa Clarita would suggest that residents are willing to sacrifice a relatively modest tax in exchange for the services those taxes support.

You should also be aware that many of the public services throughout the entire Santa Clarita Valley are provided by the same agency, regardless of where a resident lives.

These services include programs operated by county departments such as fire, library, sheriff, flood control district, environmental health and multiple social service agencies. Except for the sheriff and fire, these departments report to me. All the departments report to the Board of Supervisors.

Other services, such as planning and building, are provided separately by the appropriate city or county department, depending on where one lives.

I appreciate The Signal's coverage of issues surrounding the provision of municipal services. This coverage is particularly important in the next few weeks and months, as the initial fiscal analysis and options comparison studies are discussed publicly.

I can assure you that the county staff will do all we can to keep the electorate informed about these issues as we move toward the advisory vote in the November 2009 election.

By William T. Fujioka
Chief Executive Officer, County of Los Angeles

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tree Trimming & Landscape update


The Tree Trimming commenced on Dec 8, 2008 at Control area #1 of Sage crest/Foxtail Ct. Typically 6-10 workers are there daily and spread into 2 crews. Some have also been trimming along Hazelcrest behind the hotels as well. Presently working Controller area #2 off of Sagecrest/Wintergreen.  Next area is Controller #3 Sagecrest/ Coriander area. 

Frank Madero reported that because it’s been so long since the trees have been trimmed, cutting is limited to trimming to handle heavy winds as well as branches that endanger/shock and protect the health of the trees.  Trees are generally not being topped at this time, but rather thinned out. More trimming will be needed in 1-3 years that will be part of the new overall maintenance contract to be bid in fall 2009. Madero pays a visit to the site daily. Some trees have been red tagged for removal. Target for completion of trimming is by the end of March 2009. 

Currently, American Heritage is on a month-to-month “contract” for general maintenance. Patrick indicated a target date of next fall to request bids for a new overall maintenance contract which would include tree trimming within that contract. The new maintenance contract would be for 5 years, but after 2 years there is the option to renew/continue annually.  The current basic LMD maintenance costs amount to approximately $187,000 per year [including $70,000 for water]. Revenue from assessments amounts to approximately $225,000 annually.

Wes Perryclear provided an in depth look at the irrigation upgrade process, lines to be replaced, and the type of equipment to be used. His handouts included Schematic cost estimates for irrigation Improvements, aerial mapping, project development schedule chart, valves, security device and the ET 2000 Controller. Focus will be on efficient use of irrigation to minimize usage and costs as water costs increase. This should have a positive impact on LMD costs, which are currently $70,000 per year for water. The irrigation project is currently estimated at $344,000, but could increase as the design unfolds in more detail. Jim Lynn provided input on the original system having been an original owner. 

Jim Lynn will work with Wes Perryclear to provide input for the irrigation upgrade project 

Concern about slope stability and fire buffer area was expressed relating to the appropriate ground cover behind and immediately abutting houses overlooking Lyon Canyon on Sagecrest Circle on the south and southwest facing slopes from roughly The Old Road [S] to Laurelcrest. To better address this issue, and get more input Bill Westcott will contact LA County Fire Department personnel who live in the area, Jim Lynn will contact a geo tech expert who lives in the area and Patrick will contact a Building and Safety Rep. The goal is to have these representatives present at the next meeting to provide input for decision making, specifically input on fire resistant ground cover, the extent needed and slope stability. 

Community newsletter-
 Patrick will add some additional information regarding ground cover, passage of assessment, how bids will be sought in the fall for maintenance, how tree trimming is to be taken in stages to protect the health of the trees. etc. He will email a copy to Bill Westcott by the end of the week, who will distribute copies to the other Committee members for review and comment. 

The meeting was concluded at noon. 

The Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 10 AM at Patrick’s office.